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The Death Star of IBA’s

Jason Hayes • May 4, 2021

The Death Star of IBA’s

United Auto Wash's 4 bay Inbay will blow your mind.

May 4th 2021 

“I’m afraid the Death Star will be quite operational when your friends arrive…”

*queue Imperial March* 

Following up on last year's article “Tunnel Numbers with an IBA”, the team at United Auto Wash have “almost” completed the build of their 4 Bay Petit equipped IBA site. While some embrace the idea of being able to pull tunnel numbers from an unmanned IBA, for others, we found their lack of faith...disturbing.” Just like the second build from our Imperial foes from a long long time ago, while not complete, it is operational. At the moment, the wash is completely capable of washing over 75 cars per hour, with no employees on site. 100 cars per hour will be capable when “fully operational”. 

Features include: 

  • 4 Petit 360-i Complete Machines 
  • 4 Dencar DPD-S Stainless Pay Stations 
  • 16 Premier Blowers (Petit Spec) 
  • 8 Additional Dencar Digital Signs 
  • 1 Spencer Turbine Central Vac 
  • 11 Vacuum Drops 
  • 11 Custom Vacuum Pay Stations 
  • 11 Custom Matt Holders
  • 2nd Story Conference Room with Emperor Lounge 

Many have traveled from across the country to visit this site and we’ve been on zoom calls from around the world regarding it. We embrace automation and technology, and feel that leveraging those attributes is the future of car washing. Our clients understand that they can get cleaner cars faster, and without the continual hassles that old technology has plagued us with in the past. This site is one result of that philosophy. 

Only 1.2 miles from their current 2 Bay Petit site, the owners Ron and Phil have already witnessed an unexpected surge of new customers due to a different traffic flow. When asked if they are going to try to have it completed by mid July, they replied “Do or do not, there is no try”. We agree, this is the way.

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July 25, 2024
The Water Wars Love it or hate it, resources are a hot subject right now, and rightfully so. As prices soar across the globe for water/sewer, electric, and gas, the search for more resource friendly processes and equipment has become a major focus, not only across the carwash industry, but everywhere, in general. We get a lot of questions about how water efficient our equipment is. And, as is our tradition, we love to share real-world numbers and facts to back up our claims. From its design inception, the Accutrac 360-i was made to use much less resources than its competition. Let's take a look at some statistics from a site setup similar to what we suggest.
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